10 Important Things You Need to Know about Writing Article

Write for your audience

Always keep your audience at the forefront of your mind. This is important because writing about a point, an event or even something that didn't go how you wanted (which is why we just talked about the article here) will not help bring in as leads as doing so would have. Your content should be unique, so don't change everything about it to seem like everything else. Don't overthink anything. Follow this advice.

Your niche

Where do you think readers will come from? How many sources did you read? Do you like the topics you're writing about? A lot of people will search on Google if someone has written something about them. If you see a picture of someone with your topic in their hand, you'll know what area a reader's going to find. So you want to write about these things. If they're big enough make sure you have a good understanding of them and then write about them.

Write in simple terms

The more people who are using Google your content will be found. Plus you will get a good amount of clicks that way. Be friendly but don't sound arrogant about your topic, otherwise, people will think you know too much. Also try not to use words that many people already know how to pronounce, maybe some slang words that might not sound well. Because it can scare off people in any industry.

Read other peoples' work

Read and analyze what works best for their audience. People will judge a book by its cover. But don't judge your own. The title is the most crucial part of a blog post. It's a sentence. Make sure people find it when they're looking for information on how to fix their problems. For example, if I'm talking about a situation where someone wants to buy a house and they've read somewhere that it will take time, they might come across different examples and be confused. So try to write about the process of finding answers, what kinds of questions they ask their agent, etc.

Make the best thing a headline

Tell a story of what happened and give a strong sense of your topic in the introduction section. Not much else, only the main idea of the post will tell people what your article will be about. Just remember to write it in a way that makes people want to read it. Don't repeat yourself. Repeating yourself is a bad habit. Go to Google and look up "write a new blog post" and see if that is your idea. That is what will be used. You'll also feel more confident writing about it.

Original Content

Have fun! And be original. This sounds ordinary, but it really goes that it's true. Be unique and take risks so that no one will be able to copy your idea! It's hard to stay unique in such an overcrowded market. Look at the top 500 blogs and see which ideas are being implemented into your articles. See what works best for your topics and what doesn't. Think outside the box. When writing about a certain subject (because it will be quite useful) you must find ways of breaking it, breaking from the usual rules, and getting creative. In every field, there is a chance to experiment and create new things from nothing!

Write short sentences

No matter how long your piece is, as long as you're still within the limits of grammar rules. Try to get down to three or four, preferably five words. This means everything must start with a noun and an adjective. Keep it exciting and interesting. Then you have to give a specific solution and a conclusion. Everything else comes after that.

Don't be afraid to change it to fit. Change it until you like it. Make new additions. At least two times a year for updates! Keep making changes until it looks right and then tests the system. There's a great reward in knowing what worked and what didn't.

Make your content easy to understand. As soon as you're done, check all of the comments and make sure your article gets the right feedback. Share your tips on social media. Or share your articles and/or articles. This way, there will be no need to publish on another platform.

Have a plan of action

Whatever you want to accomplish will make your life easier. Start creating and sharing as soon as you can. Get as much exposure as you can. The harder you work, the faster you succeed. Create good headlines and add social media links that make sense for your type of site. Have a clear headline. Choose what you want to say and stick to that throughout. Give your articles some structure and organization.

Keep a journal. Use it for research, to record what you're thinking, your feelings, and your emotions. It helps you identify the most relevant subjects.

Be careful of your language

Words matter, don't leave a void that you wouldn't be satisfied with. Focus on the words, and stay away from sounding superficial. Show off your talent and keep on improving yourself. It's difficult, but you will grow. Don't try to imitate others, instead, you can do what you're good at and improve, constantly learning.

Avoid plagiarism

It ruins our reputation. Avoid taking someone else's work and put your own thoughts and experiences into your articles. Don't change your opinions. Always keep in mind that you're speaking about your experience, not theirs. Even though you're writing for strangers, you also need to represent yourself.


After having discussed some of these points above, now it is time for you to consider whether you want to make money with your articles. Most people have already known for a while that writing articles is a full-time job, but many new writers just don't have anything else to offer to potential customers.

If you have a few minutes, spare some hours each day and spend them on quality content. Take your articles as far as you can. Be honest and keep in mind that you will never lose your unique quality. When you have a loyal audience who reads your articles regularly, you will become someone who stands out among millions of other bloggers.